You decide where to invest your Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs). You can pick from any of five professionally managed portfolios. These include the three “core” portfolios available for basic contributions (i.e., the growth, balanced, and conservative portfolios), as well as two others:

  • an ultra-conservative income portfolio made up of 100% fixed income.
  • an aggressive growth portfolio made up almost entirely of equities.

This range of investment options is designed to help you select an asset mix that suits your investment objectives and comfort level. You can invest your AVCs in more than one portfolio. You can also reallocate your AVCs between portfolios. Among the factors to consider when investing your AVCs are:

  • your investment objectives,
  • your comfort with investment risk,
  • how long you have until retirement, and
  • your overall financial position.

For details on investing your AVCs, refer to the Smart Investor Guide. It is also available from your employer and Saxon Pension Services, Verdant Isle Pensions’ client services agent.